2016, Number 2
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Rev Acta Médica 2016; 17 (2)
Usefulness of prealbumin in nutritional assessment and followup of patients at risk of malnutrition
Meléndez MY, Soto MJ, Barreto PJ, Denis VR, Núñez VM, Mora DI
Language: Spanish
References: 40
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The value of pre-albumin is considered a gold standard to diagnose, classify, analyze
and monitor the nutritional status of the admitted patient. This functional protein
serves the purpose of making an early diagnosis and, together with other serum and
urinary biochemical indicators such as C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin, total
lymphocyte counts, and 24-hour urine urea nitrogen, allows the presence of acute or
chronic inflammation, which helps to define more precise nutritional diagnoses, as well
as to evaluate the response to a therapeutic intervention. The measurement of
prealbumin serially in the undernourished patient will allow the elaboration of future
strategies for the diagnosis and monitoring of malnutrition, the definition of a tool for
actions, and a better exploitation of the diagnostic means.
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