2017, Number 1
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Medisur 2017; 15 (1)
Yellow fever: it worth a review in the current epidemiological context
Serra VMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 63-70
PDF size: 212.75 Kb.
Infectious emergent and re-emergent diseases
constitute a challenge in this century for all nations.
The Republic of Angola, with which we have a close
relation of friendship and collaboration, is immersed
in a clear epidemic of yellow fever. We have in
common the transmitting vector. The objective of
the present review is to update of the medical
personnel and those in training, in undergraduate
and postgraduate stages so as to alert about the
danger yellow fever represents which is one of the
oldest infectious diseases identified in the old and
new worlds. An updated review was realized about
its ethio- pathogenic, clinical manifestations,
epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Epidemiological vigilance in the international present
context is necessary at all moments and in all places
of the country. If there is a delay in the diagnosis, it
shall contribute substantially to the possibility of its
introduction in the territory and an epidemiologic
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