2017, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2017; 18 (1)
Study about the risk perception related to climate change in the educational sector
Torres VA, Garea MB, Jáuregui HU, Lau GM, Valdés VO, Llivina LM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 3-13
PDF size: 449.10 Kb.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change has expressed in its reports that the risk perception is an aspect that should be kept in mind in the design of politicians referred to the measures of adaptation and mitigation to attenuate this global phenomenon, however, the evaluation of this subjective risk has not reached a similar development to its couple objective (risk).
Objectives: To implement and to apply a methodology that allows the study of the risk perception associated with the climatic change and consequently, to identify the required actions of improvement.
Method: The method is based on the design of a group of variables, representative of the thematic that are wanted to evaluate, for those that specialized questions are elaborated with closed, growing and unidirectional answers. The balance of answers obtained for the whole investigated universe is systematized through the variables, those that represent the score of perception for individual, for variable and for the whole investigated group. For the prosecution of this diverse group of data the program RISKPERCEP was used. The population selected for the analysis included a group of professors and leaders of the Cuban schools associated to the UNESCO.
Results: The evaluations are structured in form of profiles of perceived risk and histograms to establish priorities and on whose base gets ready specific plans of training.
Conclusion: The results endorse the underestimate of the risk associated to the climatic change in the investigated group. The article recommends specific measures of formation classified according to the investigated variables.
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