2016, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2016; 8 (2)
Magnetic field therapy in patient with secondary hyperuricemia
Hernández MY, Pérez RZM, Miranda GO
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 178-190
PDF size: 183.05 Kb.
The hyperuricemia is the increase of uric acid in blood.
Objective: to determine the utility of the magnetic field therapy in the decrease of
the figures of uric acid in patient with hyperuricemia.
Method: he/she was carried out a prospective experimental explanatory study in
60 patients with diagnostic of hiperuricemia laboratory divided in 2 groups: Group I
(experimental) 30 patients that received treatment with magnetic bed, frequently
placing the abdominal solenoid of 20 Hz and 100 % of intensity, 20 min and a total
of 15 sessions. Group II (control) 30 patients, they received treatment with
naproxeno (250 mg) 1 pill every 8 h, colchicina (0,5 mg) 1,5 mg/ day and
alopurinol (100 mg) 300 mg/día, during 20 days. In the prosecution they were
applied the test OR of Mann-Whitney, t Student and squared
Results: the patients prevailed from 40 to 59 years, masculine. In the group I 83,3
% of the patients normalized the values of uric acid and 16,7 % they diminished in
more than 20 % of the initial value. In the group II 36,7 % only normalized the
values of uric acid and 23,3 % they diminished in more than 20 % of the initial
Conclusions: the magnetic field therapy at renal level in patient with
hyperuricemia, was more effective (100 %), compared with the treatment with
medications, when diminishing more than 20 % of the initial figure or to normalize
the uric acid in blood, independently of the illnesses of the studied patients' base.
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