2016, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2016; 35 (3)
Genotoxicity evaluation of rural workers and families
Gentile N, Bernardi N, Bosch B, Mañas F, Aiassa D
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 228-239
PDF size: 220.71 Kb.
Introduction: Swift economic development and new modes of production have brought about changes in rural areas which have had an impact on population dynamics and the quality of the environment, thus affecting human health. Chemical wastes from industrial processes pollute the environment, thus becoming an important risk factor for disease. The purpose of monitoring population groups exposed to potentially harmful agents is to preserve the health and quality of life of people at high risk due to the types of substances they are in contact with.
Objective: Perform early identification of potential harm caused by pesticides to the health of occupationally exposed individuals and their families. The cytogenetic markers used were the frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes and buccal mucosa cells, and chromosomal aberrations.
Methods: Surveys were conducted to obtain information about work activities and personal antecedents. Chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei in blood and the buccal mucosa were assayed for early detection of the biological effects of pesticides before they damage health.
Results: Significant statistical differences were found between the two study groups in the three assays, and an association was observed between the micronuclei in blood and buccal mucosa assays.
Conclusions: The results obtained provide a background to propose a surveillance protocol for future public health actions. Evaluation of the effects of agrochemicals on the genetic material of exposed human groups necessarily implies sensitization about personal protection, environmental control and safety measures.
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