2016, Number 3
Computer simulation of bone tissue to support the Cuban health system
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 195-201
PDF size: 168.35 Kb.
Introduction: Development of new technologies and computer simulation have contributed to the solution of complex problems in the field of medicine.Objective: Assess the importance of computer simulation to support the Cuban health system.
Methods: The study required a search about the current status of bioengineering in Cuba. The research was carried out in hospital institutions of the province of Camagüey, where interviews were conducted with physicians and technical personnel related to orthopedics.
Results: Under current conditions and with the equipment installed in Cuban hospital institutions, it is feasible to apply computer modeling techniques for tissues and organs to reduce the invasiveness of health care.
Conclusions: It is possible to use computer simulation of tissues and organs to support the follow-up, prognosis and diagnosis of diseases. Sporadic attempts have been made to establish links between hospital institutions and university research centers.
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