2016, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2016; 8 (1)
Psychometric properties of the Adolescents’ Coping Scale: CS-A
Lucio GME, Durán PC, Barcelata EBE, Romero GE
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 36-50
PDF size: 179.04 Kb.
The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties
of the Coping Scale for Adolescents. Participants of this
study were 1,953 adolescents: 922 boys (47.2 %) and 1031 girls
(52.8 %) aged from 13 to 18 years (M
age = 14.9; S.D. = 1.35), from
public schools from Mexico City: 47.7 % from junior-high and
52.3 % from senior-high. Exploratory analysis and confirmatory
factor analyses were conducted. The internal consistency
analysis showed Cronbach alpha values between .59 and .89.
Exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation generated
seven factors explaining 51.58 % of variance. The results of
confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit of the data,
showing a structure with seven first-order factors grouped
into two second-order factors. The indicators of reliability
and validity are satisfactory so the Adolescent Coping Scale
(EA-A) can be used to assess coping strategies in adolescents.
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