2016, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2016; 8 (1)
Psychometric properties of the Questionnaire of Situational Influences for Sexual Behavior in Men who have Sex with Men
Moral RJ, Valdez MC, Onofre RDJ
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 186.96 Kb.
The present work aims at creating a questionnaire to evaluate
situational influences for sexual behavior in men who have
sex with men; studying the psychometric properties of the
questionnaire; describing the situational influences covered
by the content of the items; and describing the distribution of
scores for the scales. Substance use prior to sexual encounter
and meeting places were the influences evaluated. A sample
of 133 participants was collected through respondent-driven
sampling. The scale of substance use had a two-factor structure
(alcohol and drugs), and these two factors showed an excellent
internal consistency. The scale of meeting places was
unidimensional, and had a good internal consistency. The fit
of both models was good. The scores of alcohol consumption
factor followed a normal distribution. The other distributions
were asymmetric. It is concluded that the questionnaire has
internal consistency and construct validity.
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