2016, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2016; 54 (6)
Brain death: attitude and knowledge of medical personnel in a third level hospital
Santibáñez-Velázquez M, Olguín-Sánchez E, Ángeles-Vélez A, García-García BA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 706-712
PDF size: 292.62 Kb.
Background: Brain death is defined as the irreversible loss of all functions
of the brain, including the brainstem. The objective is to know the
attitude and knowledge toward brain death of the medical personnel
involved in the process of the organ/tissue transplantation and donation
in a third level hospital of Mexico City.
Methods: 67 attending physicians were interviewed with the methodology
of pen, paper and a printed questionnaire. They were distributed in
two groups: group A, consisting of non-surgical physicians, and group B,
which was formed by surgical physicians. It was analyzed the attitude
and knowledge of the criteria established in the Ley General de Salud
(General Law of Health) of Mexico. Thirty-five men and 32 women
(median age 42 years) responded to the survey.
Results: More than 90 % of both groups would wish to participate in a
brain death course, and they would accept to be potential donors or receptors
of transplanted organs. A high percentage knows partially the law
on brain death (Ley General de Salud) and clinical procedures. Of the
interviewed population, 68 % does not know the standard complementary
studies to confirm the diagnosis of brain death. Non-significant differences
were observed in the attitude and knowledge of both groups (
p = 0.170).
Conclusion: Physicians must improve their knowledge on brain death.
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