2014, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (3)
The training and assessment of clinical reasoning in undergraduate students mediated by digital technologies
Herrera SF, Hernández ML, Morales RM, Sánchez AJ, Vega NA,Cano CMA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1201-1226
PDF size: 377.99 Kb.
In this current work it has being set out the criteria and
general strategy for the design of a Virtual Learning
Environment (EVA) definable as interactive page (infovirtual
instrument) for the formation of logical discourse skills in
students of the career of Medical Surgeon and selfassessment
of clinical reasoning based on the Script
Concordance Test (TCS).It argues that in the field of clinical
reasoning, the passage involves both novice to expert supose
such as a diverse cognitive strategies for the interpretation or
elucidation of the case, an attitudinal position in the
management of uncertainty and ways of articulating the
clinical experience with pathways to solving the problem and
the taking of a decision, where the Interactive page that it has
being propose here, appears as an educational tool for
mediation to articulate these three moments.With the design
of this instrument infovirtual is intended that the student count
with self-monitoring resources that allow collate their personal
progress with the levels of expertise that are in demand
whereas it goes forward their training. To make this possible it
has being proposed an interactive page in which it will be
settle the Script Concordance Test validated by experts and
structured ad hoc to the medical undergraduate training. In
conclusion, the Virtual Learning Environment (EVA)
formulated here it appears as an educational tool for
educational medication for the training of clinical reasoning,
under a double scope: 1) promotes the expertise of the
students either to generate differential diagnoses, treatment
proposals or research tactics and 2) specific a physical
medication and symbolic between the student and the object
of knowledge, as well as with the other located in an
educational context (peers and advisors).
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