2014, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (3)
Psychometric properties of a scale adherence of diabetes mellitus II and hypertension in a sample of patients
Salinas RJL, Espinosa SV, González DHE
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 905-929
PDF size: 354.98 Kb.
Due to the increasing incidence and prevalence of Diabetes
Mellitus and Hypertension II, WHO has drawn attention to the
need to control these diseases aiming to reduce the projected
trend rate of death from chronic diseases by 2% annually. A key
factor in achieving this objective is the active participation of
patients and, therefore, it is necessary to assess and increase
their level of adherence. The aim of this paper was to determine
the psychometric characteristics of a first version of a scale
adherence. We interviewed 121 patients of various health
centers of the Mexican metropolitan area using scale developed
to measure adhesion in diabetic and hypertensive patients. As
a result it was found that the instrument reported a Cronbach's
alpha of .719. Seven components and total variance explained
of 58.765 % were defined. We conclude that, although the
instrument has good internal reproducibility and good predictive
capacity, development of other validations like criterion to
determine the sensitivity and specificity of the instrument is
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