2014, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (4)
Repercussion of television habits on physical activity
Eskenazi DR
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1714-1738
PDF size: 681.25 Kb.
A study was conducted at a private university of Mexico which
analyze the relationship between the number of hours per week
that an individual watched TV and the number of hours per week
that an individual exercise. The sample was performed with a
casual nonrandom selection of 100 students from the
psycologycal degree, within an age range between 18 and 23
years. The reliability of the instrument shows a Cronbach's Alpha
of .789 and for validity of the instrument we performed a factor
analysis of the seven factors which together account for the
53.390 % of the total variance. The results indicate no statistically
significant differences between the number of hours spent
watching television and the number of hours per week that an
individual exercise; however we found a trend indicating that the
longer an individual spends watching TV , the less time he will
spend doing exercise.
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