2014, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (4)
Índice de depresión del rorschach en pacientes con trastorno bipolar
Alfonseca GM, Fernández OP
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1696-1713
PDF size: 790.46 Kb.
The present study constitutes a descriptive and transverse
research that uses a quantitative methodology. It had as aim
determine the frequency of the indicators of the Index of
depression in a sample of 52 patients with bipolar Disorder,
current depressive episode, assisted in Camagüey's Psychiatric
Provincial Hospital, Cuba, in the period between 1978- 2007. The
protocols were selected from the criteria ruled by the authors.
They used as methods of theoretical level the analysis -
synthesis and historical- logical, and as empirical methods, the
analysis of documents and the re-qualification of protocols by
means of the comprehensive System of J. Exner. In the sample
prevailed the feminine sex and the ages included between 41
and 59 years, the housewives, the elementary education and the
zone urban. From the results, it was possible to determine that
the indicators of the Index of depression of the comprehensive
System identified in the protocols, did not reach the frequency
needed to make an effective diagnosis of the depression in the
investigated patients. Only three indicators were present in more
than the half of the studied protocols, which qualified as
indicators of the first order: the low self-centeredness Index, the
affective proportion diminished and low number of complex
answers, as well as the low frequency of answers of cooperative
movement. The rest of the indicators had a very low frequency.
The results obtained in the study enrich the Cuban Explanatory
integrative System since they contribute to obtain of information
of the Index of depression of the Rorschach from the adjustment
of your variables to the social and cultural reality of origin of the
studied subjects.
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