2014, Number 4
Problems handling: impact on the social climate of the classroom in high school
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1448-1474
PDF size: 675.04 Kb.
This paper deals with the study of the effect of a workshop on problems handling in the social climate of a classroom, and the acquisition of skills for problems handling. We conducted a field study with pre -experimental design of pretest - postest type within a single group. 39 students of the first grade of high school participated. We used the Mexican adaptation of the Social Climate Scale in the Classroom (Sanchez -Sosa, Villarreal - Gonzalez and Moral, 2008), and problem handling scales expressly designed. The workshop lasted 20 sessions. The data were statistically analyzed with the Wilcoxon T test for large samples. We did not find any statistically significant differences in the social climate of the classroom. In handling problems, awareness problem skills, cause awareness and assessment of the participants about the way they handle problems were significant. It is concluded that the problem handling skills in adolescents increases the possibility of facing stressful situations properly, which leads to improvements in health and social adaptation.REFERENCES
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