2014, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (4)
Un estudio de competencias emocionales en un grupo de enfermeros del hospital clínico quirúrjico 'Hermanos Ameijeiras'
Peña MY, Bello DZ, Pérez RW
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1333-1348
PDF size: 379.59 Kb.
According to recent studies the ability to handle our emotions
and other people´s, the Emotional Intelligence as it is also
known nowadays, it is a way to enhance good work
performance for nursery professionals. The basis relies on the
care to the people that request their services, the relationship
nurse-patient-relative it is characterized in this example by the
presence of strong emotions.
The working environment is frequently harder when it comes to
emergency moments where the professional has to make life or
death decisions, this kind of situation often generates a state of
stress for the nurse. That is why he/she must develop skills that
allow him/her the auto recognition and self control of those
disturbing emotions. By doing this it is easier to understand the
patient needs, and the tolerance and the open dialogue
between the patient and the relative it is much better. All the
aspects mentioned before are really important because they
provide quality to the nurse services and life quality in general.
The goal of this paper is to characterize the subjacent emotional
competition to the Emotional Intelligence, an experiment carried
out in 23 nurses, which was carried out in the oncology and
surgery rooms of the Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. The
experiment used tests on Emotional Intelligence that had
already been carried out, the resulting data were ran by the
software Statística 8, based on a proportion test, considering
significant differences with p ≤ 0.05
As a result, the emotional competition turned out to be
statistically significant in every dimension of the Emotional
Intelligence, as well as the assessment done by the study group
that 61% of the competitions responsible for work success have
emotional sources.
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