2017, Number 1
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Finlay 2017; 7 (1)
Abdominal obesity, an anthropometric parameter predicting metabolic disorders
Castellanos GM, Benet RM, Morejón GAF, Colls CY
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 81-90
PDF size: 269.01 Kb.
Background: Waist circumference perimeter, as an
indirect indicator of abdominal obesity, is commonly
presented as an essential element in the clinical
assessment of obesity. The link between abdominal
obesity and insulin resistance is proposed as the core of
metabolic syndrome’s pathophysiology and
Objective: To determine whether individuals with
abdominal obesity present characteristics related to
metabolic syndrome’s factors that differ from those
observed in individuals with no abdominal obesity.
Methods: A comparative analytical study was
performed including cases control and design in two
different groups. The sample was composed of 98
individuals of both sexes randomly selected out of a
universe of 510 workers population at the Medical
University of Cienfuegos from September to December
2005. They were all tested as to blood pressure,
cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, fasting glucose and
Results: Abdominal obesity was found in 30.6% of
individuals. It was predominant in females (83.3%) older
than 40 years. The number of cases of obesity linked to
hypertension was similar to the number of cases with
low HDL cholesterol (53.3%). Impaired glucose was
found in 16.7% of cases.
Conclusions: Abdominal obesity is a health problem in
the population included in this study and it increases as
age does. Individuals with abdominal obesity are
exposed to a higher risk of metabolic disorders, such as
low levels of HDL cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides
and total cholesterol, glucose alterations and
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