2017, Number 1
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Finlay 2017; 7 (1)
Behaviour of clinical, anthropometric and laboratory variables in patients with metabolic syndrome
Hernández TM, Miguel SPE, Marrero HMM, Pérez LLM, Peña PI, Rivas EM
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 102-109
PDF size: 335.37 Kb.
Background: Diagnosing patients with metabolic
syndrome is important because of the high prevalence
and risk they present.
Objective: to determine the behaviour of some clinical,
anthropometric and laboratory variables in patients with
metabolic syndrome.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted. The
sample included 161 patients selected at random in
different research stages from a universe including all
the patients who attended six different consultations in
Urbano Noris municipality, Holguín, from September
2008 to June 2009. Diagnosis was performed according
to the ATP-III. Variance analysis and Fisher's exact test
in SPSS (α = 0.05) were applied.
Results: Patients with metabolic syndrome (n = 103:
63.97%) presented values over average weight, height,
waist circumference, body mass index, systolic blood
pressure, plasma cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and
glucose. Their HDL levels were lower. A significant
association between metabolic syndrome and CRP,
microalbuminuria, alterations in blood sugar levels and
hypertension was proved.
Conclusions: The importance of characterizing the
metabolic syndrome for future interventions was
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