2015, Number 4
Continuous education (ce): general doctor’s knowledge about international guide for asthma management
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1328-1341
PDF size: 212.13 Kb.
Asthma is among 20 main causes of death, and among 10 main causes of medical consultation in Mexico, which become general doctors essential for the medical treatment. Literature reports deficient doctor’s knowledge in asthma management and GINA guide, therefore CE is an indispensable activity for these professionals. The investigation objective is evaluating the general medical knowledge level about GINA, identifying if CE strategies have included the contents of GINA. 1789 general doctors and specialists were evaluated with a questionnaire based in GINA. The parametric and correlational analysis showed that doctor’s knowledge and CE strategies are not satisfactory, there are significant differences between general doctors and specialists, however these professionals both of them lack the enough support from institutions for their training.REFERENCES
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