2015, Number 3
Instrument validation for evaluating general doctors knowledge about the International Guide GINA in Asthma Management: Preliminary report
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 923-943
PDF size: 485.37 Kb.
Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract inflammation, often is potentially severe. Due to fast growing incidence, emerged the need of elaborating international guidebooks – such as GINA- for optimizing the doctor’s work by mean of education. However recent studies prove that only some of them know the information included in that guidebook. Therefore the research objectives were: 1) To validate an instrument that allows to evaluate the doctors knowledge about GINA and 2) To describe the first evaluating results in a sample of mexican doctors. In this research took part 2369 general doctors and specialists. It was designed a 26 items questionnaire for applying the content validity appearance, and reliability (Alpha of Cronbach). A descriptive and comparative analysis was applied by mean of χ2, the results show that the general doctors have a better knowledge about the patient education and the multidiscipline, on the other hand the specialists give the right answers in related aspects such as the diagnosis and pharmacological medication; however none group has enough knowledge of GINA. This instrument is an important contribution for the medical-scientific research, it allows evaluating the sanitary staff, and the continuous education programs efficiency about asthma.REFERENCES
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