2004, Number 4
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2004; 51 (4)
Two cases registered of human ocular gnathostomiasis, with morphometric description of the larvae L3,in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Gómez TJR, Lamothe-Argumedo MR, de León GAH, Herrera S, Silva BM, Montañés DME
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 231-236
PDF size: 91.22 Kb.
One probable case of gnathostomiasis was registered in Aguascalientes State, Mexico, in 1998. This case was studied in a patient with the antecedent of raw fish ingestion (cebiche) in Guadalajara City, that showed the symptoms described for this disease, the presence of the worms was recorded by the Imagenet video system. And two years later a second case was registered in a female patient with similar symptoms and the antecedent of ingestion of food prepared from raw fishes caught in the “Infiernillo” dam, located in Michoacan State; a whole specimen was obtained for surgery from the anterior chamber of the eye, and it was identified as a larvae L
3 of Gnathostoma sp. this process was recorded by video, microphot and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM); this patient serum was positive by ELISA. Our work is the first account of the these cases in Aguascalientes State, we believe that both cases the patients infected outside Aguascalientes State because this State does’ not have the conditions for an endemic outbreak. For the second case, we also think that it could be
an new geographic area in Michoacan because the mentioned site has the proper conditions for the presence and development of this parasitic disease.
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