2016, Number 6
Research experience in professors training professional values in medical science students
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 721-728
PDF size: 202.17 Kb.
Introduction: the comprehensive training of medical students is based on educational work comprising ideological, moral, labor, intellectual, physical and aesthetic political education through curricular and extracurricular ways, involving all of the medical university community.Objective: to demonstrate the predictive value for the curricular teaching work to train professional values based on the qualitative analysis of the results achieved.
Method: a sample of 35 professors of dentistry at Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences was chosen, and a questionnaire of attitude scale was applied, which explored the dimensions of the development of values in a range of 1 to 10, data were analyzed by determining the averages of shared and desired values declared in the professional model.
Results: in both cycles there is no difference in the materialization of shared values, the basic cycle X = 5.6 and clinical cycle X = 5.8, but not in the desired values with averages of: basic cycle X = 6 and in the clinic X = 7.7, the most obvious values in both cycles were altruism and sincerity X = 7.
Conclusions: analyzing the individual or collective manifestations of the values declared in the professional model may contribute to the methodological work for the staff of the year and it may facilitate the development of methodological strategies that include bibliographies and psychological analysis of the nature of values, supporting the analysis with the students and employers contributing this way to the comprehensive training of graduates.
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