2016, Number 4
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2016; 63 (4)
Economic aspects of the use of procalcitonin
Jiménez-Aguilar IA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 170-175
PDF size: 315.66 Kb.
Clinical signs of infection in critically ill infants are unspecific, which determines difficulties in establishing the etiology of the inflammatory response, leading to probably unnecessary antibiotic treatments. The information provided by procalcitonin will provide clues about the need for antibiotic treatment when clinical data indicate the possibility of severe sepsis, septic shock or infection by more than one organism; likewise, it can reduce the length of hospital stay, influencing its costs. In the present study, we describe a partial economic evaluation relating the costs incurred by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and increased length of hospital stay of infants admitted to the Iztapalapa Pediatric Hospital of the SSCDMX with clinically suspected sepsis; I propose the alternative use of procalcitonin to reduce the time of treatment with antibiotics, minimizing the possibility of generating tolerance and resistance of microorganisms, reducing the possibility of generating side and/or adverse effects of treatments and also affecting the length of hospital stay, which would impact positively on the hospital budget, allow to optimize the layout and allocate the saved resources for the benefit of the patients.
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