2016, Number 2
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RCU 2016; 5 (2)
Epidemiologic aspects about urinary incontinence in urology and gynecology female patients
Castañeda BI, Martínez TJC, García DJÁ, Ruiz Valdés-Prado M
Language: Spanish
References: 29
PDF size: 194.93 Kb.
Introduction: Dysfunction of the set of muscles that closes the lower vents of the
pelvis. There are risk factors that bring about and maintain the dysfunction; the most
frequent, known and studied ones are: age, background of pregnancies and deliveries,
the use of some medications and some life styles and habits.
Objective: To show whether the risk factors already described in the literature for
urinary incontinence are evident in evaluated patients.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and transversal study carried out in 164
women older than 15 year old, attending Urology and Gynecology consultation at G
and 19 Policlinic, from August to December, 2013. It was applied an anonymous set of
questions that considers the main risk factors mentioned in the specific literature.
Results: The sample average age was 51.1 ± 2.5 years old. There was a significant
association among being more than 3 hours without urinate, the consumption of coffee
and urinary incontinence (p ‹ 0.05). There was no significant association (p › 0.05) between obstetrical background and age in the women in the sample.
Conclusions: The epidemiological aspects that constitute somehow a risk to suffer
urinary incontinence were: obstetrical background; being more than three (3) hours
without urinating habitual, ingestion of coffee, constipation, obesity,andfinally the use
hypertensive,sedative,y non inflammatory medications.
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