2017, Number 1
Characterization of perioperative arterial hypertension at «Cmdte. Manuel Fajardo Rivero» Hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 22-29
PDF size: 456.56 Kb.
Perioperative hypertension is defined as blood pressure values higher than 140/90 mm Hg in pre-, trans- or post-operatory. Its incidence as a reason for cancellation or delay of surgical procedure motivated this research. An observational cross-sectional study was aimed at characterizing perioperative hypertension at «Cmdte. Manuel Fajardo Rivero» Hospital of Villa Clara from January, 2010 to December, 2014. Universe was constituted by patients who required major surgery; a simple random sample of the 30 % was selected. Perioperative hypertension was more common in women (64.6 %); patients with history of blood pressure and diabetes mellitus had 7.6 and 7.8 more probabilities of suffering from perioperative hypertension than those without a family history of these diseases; it was 14.4 times more frequent in patients undergoing emergency surgery and in the 5.8 operated with general anesthesia. Evaluated variables were associated with perioperative hypertension in the studied patients, which will allow us to improve medical intervention with a preventive approach.REFERENCES
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