2000, Number 1
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Vet Mex 2000; 31 (1)
Evaluation of four vehicles to formulate an experimental fascioliscide
Ibarra VF, Montenegro CN, Flores CJ, Hernández CA, Castillo BR
Language: English/Spanish
References: 23
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The aim of the present study was to select from four vehicles the most suitable one to formulate an experimental fascioliscide called Alfa. Twenty five fluke-free crosbred sheep were used. On day zero, all animals were infected orally with 200 metacercariae of
F. hepatica administered in a gelatin capsule. Only 15 sheep were reinfected each with another 200 metacercariae on week six. Sheep were divided ten weeks after the infection in five groups of five animals each, providing that from the 15 reinfected animals 10 were included in Groups 1 and 2, and the remaining five ones were left in the control one. Groups 1 to 4 were treated with an oral dose of 15 mg/kg of body weight of the experimental compound, formulated with vehicles 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, and Group 5 remained as the non-treated control one. All sheep were sacrificed two weeks after the treatment, and all flukes in the liver were quantified. Efficacy was determined as the percentage of fluke reduction. Results showed an efficacy against adult flukes of 100%, 100%, 92.4% and 77.0%, for Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, and against juvenile flukes of 100% and 100% for Groups 1 and 2, respectively. It is concluded that coumpound Alfa formulated in vehicles number 1 and 2 exerted a 100% efficacy against four week-old and 10 week-old flukes in sheep.
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