2016, Number 6
Oral health status of disabled patients. Health area of Spartacus, Palmira municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 717-726
PDF size: 435.82 Kb.
Foundation: Disbale people present conditions which limit their abilties to develop an everyday life and therefore require comprehensive health care; however it is considered that worldwide most of this population does not receive oral care according to their requirements.Objective: To determine status of Oral Health in disabled patients.
Methods: A study of case series carried out from june to September 2015, about 88 disabled patients who achieved inclusion criteria. It was analyzed age, sex, scholarship, occupation, epidemiological classification regarding Oral Health, problems of Oral health, chronic diseases, risk factors, recieved treatments in primary and secundary health systems.
Results: Male sex prevailed over the female one and age group from 35 to 59 years old; They prevailed technicians and senior high school level;; 38% had an employment. Mental disabilities were more frequent. 72.2% suffered from arterial hypertension. Epidemiological classification of Oral Health State showed that 54.5% were sick.; 19.3% were healthy and 26.1% defficent disabled. Among the risk factors, antecedents of caries and incorrect brushing stood out. In Primary Care restaurations prevailed (47.7%) and in Secondary Health care Orthodontics( 13.6%).
Conclusion: There was a deficient oral health in the studied group, which could be given because both patients and relatives give more importance to the physical condition as disabled than to oral health.
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