2015, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (1)
Usefulness of didactic activities on the improvement of specific competencies: students’ perception
Amato D, Hernández ZG, Novales CXJ
Language: Spanish
References: 30
PDF size: 457.75 Kb.
To evaluate students’ perception of the usefulness of problembased
learning (PBL) to improve self-directed learning, working
with articles and videos in English language to enhance access
to international medical literature, and assessment among
peers (AAP) to promote ethical behavior, a cross-sectional
survey was applied to 486 medical students from cycles II or IV,
after working with 8 clinical cases, 4 articles and 7 videos, and
assessing audiovisual presentations and teamwork of their
classmates by rubrics. Working with PBL to enhance selfdirected
learning was considered very useful or useful by 91%
of the participants; articles and videos to promote English
language utilization were considered very useful or useful by 89
and 87% of the participants, respectively; 64% of the
participants considered that AAP is very useful or useful to
promote ethical behavior. In conclusion, most of the participants
considered that each of the proposed strategies is very
useful/useful to enhance the competency of interest.
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