2013, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (4)
A descriptive and gender comparative study of family functioning
Moral de la Rubia, José; López Rosales, Fuensanta; Jasso MJL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1141-1164
PDF size: 460.36 Kb.
The aims of this study were: 1) to describe family functioning,
making comparisons among functioning factors and between
both sexes, and 2) to describe the number and what functions
are assumed as responsibles by 4 persons, making
comparisons among responsibles and between both sexes. A
family functioning scale was applied to a non-probabilistic
sample of 460 participants. The 52% was women and 48%
men. The 58% was married, 35% single, 4% cohabiting, and
3% separated/divorced. One third of the families were
dysfunctional. Violence and lack of rules and support showed
the lowest means among the family functioning factors. Couple
satisfaction and cohesion showed the highest means. Sharing
housework and organization were differential functions between
both sexes. Both parents assumed most of the functions. It was
pointed out to mothers as responsible for more functions. It was
perceived greater responsability in the own person or in the
parent of the own sex. The participants recognized more
responsibility in breadwinner, home repairs, and taking
decisions to the fathers; in feeding, care and eduacción to the
mothers. It is concluded that the percentage of dysfunctional
families is significant, and thus it is suggested to make
interventions for reducing this high percentage.
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