2016, Number 5
Teaching results in a decade of work in Ophthalmology. Artemisa’s Medical Sciences Faculty
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 794-807
PDF size: 304.13 Kb.
Introduction: The learning of the ophthalmology subject in the village of Guanajay began to be developed with the advanced studies universalization. Absorbed in the teaching improvement some evaluations of learning system’s controls were done and as a result of this, the students’ knowledge, skills and habits in the teaching process were valued.Objective: To evaluate the teaching results achieved by the Ophthalmology subject during 10 courses.
Material and methods: Retrospective and descriptive study based on 231 evaluation cards of students from the 5th year of the Medicine career, for Ophthalmology subject in the Artemisa’s Medical Sciences Faculty from Guanajay and Artemisa villages from September 2004 to July 2014. The analyses were done using a descriptive statistic technique.
Results: Students with good assistance to the curricular activities predominated (63,6%). A high percentage of students got excellent results in their academic results, being the 5 points evaluation the most usually in diverse activities. There was a correlation between the grades in the theoretical test and the attendance to the teaching-learning activities. Out of the 10 analyzed courses, in 9 there was obtained as an average, the student’s performance over the 90 points.
Conclusions: There was a stable and good attendance to the curricular activities in the period studied, which was correlated to the grades in the theoretical exam. The academic performance was considered as excellent due to the predominance of high grades in the students.
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