2016, Number 5
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2016; 15 (5)
Buccal habits in deaf and hypoacusis patients at the Playa municipality, Havana, 2011-2014
Santos PY, Novoa LAM
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 702-713
PDF size: 83.12 Kb.
Introduction: In the ancient times the deaf were consider beings with defects that
should be sacrificed for the humanity's welfare; if they lived they were considered
idiots by not possessing articulate language. Nowadays deaf people issues are studied
from the different areas of health and education.
Objective: To identify the behavior of the buccal habits in deaf and hypoacusis
Material and Method: It was carried out a descriptive study of traverse court, with a
population of 20 people deaf and hypoacusis, with ages between 15 and 60 or more
years old, of both sexes, belonging to the Cuban Deaf National Association of the
Beach Municipality in Havana, in the period 2011-2014. It was carried out survey,
buccal exams and search of information on the topic. The obtained data were
processed, Tables were made to facilitate the interpretation of them and the results
were given by percent.
Results: The feminine sex was the one of more prevalence with a 45.0% between
20-59 years old. The ingestion of solid sugary foods among the foods, the
onychophag practice and the consumption of coffee represented a 35.0% in same
group of ages. 45.0% of studied patients carry out the dental brushing in a mixed
way, twice a day and with little use of the dental thread.
Conclusions: More than a half of the studied population it ingests solids sugary foods
among the foods, they consume coffee, they practice the onychophagia and carry out
the dental brushing in an incorrect way.
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