2016, Number 3
Pedagogic research in the evaluation process
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 657-668
PDF size: 109.83 Kb.
The educational system bases its effectiveness, among other aspects, on the evaluation, which far from being understood as a measurement of the school's products and achievements, it is a compulsory act and a reflective practice of the profesor, as it is today one of the cornerstones of the system itself. A new feature of the concept of evaluation is the areas where it is established to be performed. Close to it, learning evaluation today appears with legal obligation and force. This paper addresses a current issue on educational research and its association with the educational activity. Educational research covers what has been developed by pedagogy, psychology and the methodic science in recent years and that is related to this issue. Issues ere broadened as being related to the fact of the teacher's or professors' need for being directly related to pedagogic research, as the only way to achieve an increasingly better education and with a higher quality, which responds to increasing demand for the development of science.REFERENCES
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