2016, Number 6
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2016; 17 (6)
Cognitive impairment and vascular dementia
Muñoz-Pérez MJ, Espinosa-Villaseñor D
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 85-96
PDF size: 242.79 Kb.
Cerebrovascular disease is now one of the leading causes of death
and disability in the world, especially in people over 60 years old.
Approximately 60% of the surviving patients have some sequelae
such as cognitive impairment; however these are not the only cause
of deterioration in adults. Multi-infarct dementia, dementia due to
strategic infarcts, small vessel disease, among others, is common
causes of cognitive impairment in higher mental functions. Cognitive
impairment is the loss or decrease in any of the higher mental
functions; It can be caused by different diseases or can be seen as
a consequence of normal aging of the brain, however at times the
deterioration is the beginning of a dementing illness. In the case of
deterioration of vascular origin, cerebral vascular accidents are the
leading cause in the loss of any executive function, where memory,
attention and language are affected more frequently and secondary
to the location of the injury may observe different psychiatric
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