2016, Number 6
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2016; 17 (6)
Relationship between executive functions and processes of decoding grapheme-phoneme in elementary school children
Fernández–Herrera N, Bausela–Herreras E
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 51-63
PDF size: 205.87 Kb.
Introduction: Executive functions define the set of cognitive
abilities to anticipate and set goals, scheming and the ability to carry
them out efficiently.
Objective: To approach the knowledge of the relationship between
executive functions and the grapheme-phoneme decoding.
Methods: In this empirical study, has conducted study that a nonexperimental
methodology or ex post facto adheres. The methodology
used in this study is correlational, as it is studied and analyzed the
relation between executive functions and processes of graphemephoneme
Results: Thirty elementary school students have taken part in this
study. They are 6-7 years old. Two instruments were applied to assess
the executive functions and the process of decoding graphemephoneme.
The analysis of correlation show that there is an association
between man and women in some of the executive functions, like the
control of time, planning, flexibility and the beginning of the task,
related to the codification grapheme-phoneme processes.
Conclusion: Executive functions are important in the development
of the child from early age, which impact in later life and at the level of
acquisition of reading, basic for the access to the curriculum.
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