2016, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2016; 15 (3)
The influence of lengthening the inspiration time during pressure-controlled intraoperative ventilation
García ÁPJ
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 187-196
PDF size: 81.52 Kb.
Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the sixth leading cause of
death worldwide. Lengthening the inspiration time is a practice with advantages and
Objective: To compare the benefits of different inspiration times on oxygenation,
airway pressures and hemodynamic changes.
Methods: Prospective longitudinal analytic study with a group. Sample group of
36 patients who met the inclusion criteria.
Results: The mean age was 70.5 years µ 8.3 years, 59 % were women. 38.7 %
were hypertensive, and 41.2 % were cardiac patients. The peak pressures were
26.6 mbar in the short Ti and 19.1 mbar in the long Ti (Student's
t-distribution was
1.28). The means of the plateau pressure behaved different: with short Ti, 20.6 mbar,
and with long Ti, 19.6 mbar, with Student's
t-distribution: 0.04. Mean respiratory
rates in the short Ti were 12.6 breaths/min and in the long Ti, 10.7 breaths/min, with
t-distribution 5.92. The relation between oxygen saturation and fraction of inspired oxygen in the Ti short was 243 and in the long Ti was 248, but the Student's
t-distribution was 5.9
Conclusions: Lengthened inspiratory time during intraoperative pressure-controlled
ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is advantageous
because it reduces the airway pressure and maintains oxygenation and hemodynamic
parameters versus conventional inspiration time, so it could be an alternative for the
anesthetic management of these patients.
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