2016, Number 5
Didactic conception for the development of the critical thinking in Medicine professionals
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 613-621
PDF size: 203.18 Kb.
Introduction: the current worldwide society is having a rapid development in scientific and technological knowledge, which requires the training of a skilful professional supported on the educational system of the University of Medical Sciences and from a critical perspective, who will be able to understand the context in order to transform it.Objective: to support a comprehensive, systemic and contextualized didactic concept of the teaching and learning process of the History of Cuba, aimed at developing the critical thinking in health care professionals.
Methods: a scientific research study of the teaching-learning process to teach the subject of History of Cuba in order to develop the critical thinking was carried out by means of the materialist-dialectical method and cultural historical epistemological approach, which is assumed as a general method underlying the theoretical methods that enable the study and systematization of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the teaching-learning process of this subject and taking as the most important objective the development of the critical thinking in medicine professionals.
Results: this study allowed determining the theoretical basis and possible scientific ideas that support a comprehensive, systemic and contextualized didactic concept for the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba aimed at developing the critical thinking along with a scientific-didactic approach.
Conclusions: the didactic concept of the teaching-learning process to teach the subject of History of Cuba demonstrates the growing role of History as a science to encourage the development of the critical thinking as an advanced structure of reasoning, and its social contribution to prepare high-quality Medicine specialists, increasing this way their professional competences.
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