2016, Number 2
Sustainability evaluation of two system production sheep in Yucatán, México
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 39-53
PDF size: 182.18 Kb.
The objective was to assess the sustainability of two systems of hair sheep production in the state of Yucatan in 2011, using the Framework for the Evaluation of Natural Resource Management Systems Incorporating Sustainability Indicators. Parcel data of each system are described an identification card interview was applied to those responsible for each system: the first called Acapulco and the second San Francisco, a consultation was held to expert empirical peasant conservation and diversity of vegetation types Yucatan the technique of participant observation was also used to generate information on critical and measurement of indicators points, plus bibliographical research was carried out to obtain the optimum values for each indicator, a graph of amoeba was prepared to conclude and make recommendations for each system analyzed. Acapulco indicators showed vulnerability in the production of lambs / ha, net / lamb utility, conservation and diversity of vegetation, technological innovation. San Francisco was vulnerable in technological innovation and participation in assemblies. It is concluded that both systems are not sustainable in all indicators. There are factors external to the two systems that make them vulnerable in the context of environmental and economic sustainability, San Francisco presented strengths that did not Acapulco.REFERENCES
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