2016, Number 2
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AbanicoVet 2016; 6 (2)
Presence of Varroa destructor, Nosema apis, and Acarapis woodi, in honey bee (Apis mellifera) of the east region in the State of Mexico
Martínez-Cesáreo M, Rosas-Córdoba J, Prieto-Merlos D, Carmona-Gasca A, Peña-Parra B, Ávila-Ramos Fl
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 30-38
PDF size: 232.45 Kb.
Beekeeping in Mexico is an important productive activity, but it is threatened by the presence of diseases
that affect the development and production of the colonies. The aim of this research was to determine, the
frequency and degree of infestation of
Varroa destructor, Nosema apis, and
Acarapis woodi in honeybee
Apis mellifera) colonies from the east region in the State of Mexico. A total of 93 samples were collected
from five town councils with beekeepers organized in the region, samples were analyzed for these three
pathogens. A statistical comparison between five town councils was performed. The results indicated that
all samples were positive (100 %) to
V. destructor with levels from 0.5 to 22.1 %, but they were negative to
Nosema and Acariosis. The town council of Tlalmanalco registered the highest values of
V. destructor with
7.9 % (P ≤ 0.05). The results suggest that Varroatosis is an important disease for the region, but Nosema
A. woddi do not pose a threat to this bee population.
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