2016, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2016; 17 (4)
Burnout syndrome in nurses working in intensive, intermediate and coronary care units of the hospital 'Joaquín Albarrán'
Valdivieso RJF, Amador RFJ, Hernández GL, Hernández CD
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 3-11
PDF size: 427.07 Kb.
The Burnout Syndrome studies in health care professionals identify several factors of interaction during its evolution . The purposes of this research were to identify the levels and dimensions of this syndrome in nurses in specialized care units and its relation with the background history, consequences and other socio-demographic variables. The conducted study was descriptive and of a cross-sectional nature. The used methods were the Brief Burnout Questionnaire and a sheet of general data. The main results proved the presence of this syndrome in a relevant number of cases. The personal realization was the most affected dimension. The signs of discomfort were organizational and psychosomatic (headaches, depression, anxiety, irritability and hostility). It was observed that the age increase, the female sex, the extended interaction with the patient, the fixed shift on duty and the years of service, favor the syndrome's emerging. It is recommended to the hospital's management to implement organizational strategies to control the risks.
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