2015, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2015; 14 (3)
Inadvertent hypothermia and its repercussion on postoperative morbidity
Melo MPL, Cordero EI, Cordoví AL, Mora DI
Language: Spanish
References: 42
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Introduction: anesthesia diminishes conductual and physiological mechanisms of
thermoregulation, which together with heat loss during surgery, has a significant
impact on the onset of hypothermia.
Objective: to describe the postoperative repercussion of inadvertent hypothermia in
patients who were administered general anesthesia for major abdominal surgery.
Methods: a descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study was carried out in patients
who required general anesthesia for elective abdominal surgical procedures, at
"Hermanos Ameijeiras" Clinical Surgical Hospital, in the period between January 2012
and January 2015.
Results: out of 114 patients, 80.7% were between 40 and 59 years old. The male sex,
normal weight patients, ASA classification II and exploratory laparotomy presented
more frequently. Average basal temperature was 36.45ºC. After one hour, it lowered
to 35.73ºC, after two hours 35.18ºC, after three hours 34.67ºC and at the end
34.30ºC. Out of the total, 69.3% presented inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia. In
none severe hypothermia was noticed. Average surgical time was 4.18 hours in
patients with hypothermia. 72.2% of the transfused patients presented hypothermia.
113 complications were verifies as associated with hypothermia.
Conclusions: frequency of hypothermia was 2.25 times more frequent. Transfusions,
not to use measures for preventing hypothermia, as well as surgical time significantly
influenced the presence o hypothermia. Postoperative complications attributed to the
presence of intraoperative hypothermia were associated in 99.1% of the complications.
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