2016, Number 6
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Rev Méd Electrón 2016; 38 (6)
Reconstruction of facial soft parts with cervical flaps. Two cases presentation
Casañola RO, Alfonso RJ, Barreras RD, Peña CCL, Morales CD, Llerena SJA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 862-868
PDF size: 578.05 Kb.
The reconstruction of important defects of soft parts in the orbital-maxillary-malar
region is still a great challenge for the surgeon. Thus, in reconstructive surgery we
have to approach two main problems: esthetic and functional recuperation. Of
course, neither the esthetic nor the functional criteria should be placed before the oncological one. In this work we presented the cases of two patients operated of
parotid gland carcinoma, reconstructed with cervical flaps; the first one, with the
cervico-pectoral flap, and the second with the fascia-cervico-pectoral flap. These
flaps should be considered one of the first options for reconstructing the defects of
the maxilla-facial region, due to their predictability, versatility and easy dissection.
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