2016, Number 2
Designing and creation of learning objects for Health Technology students
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 13-27
PDF size: 380.78 Kb.
Cuban higher education offers opportunities to promote the scientific research in the field of technology in education. The curriculum of the School of Health Technology includes the career in Information Systems in Health, which is based on the application of an interactive teaching integrated by nine learning objects that take into account the main aspects in the teaching of Architecture Computers. They will become a successful tool and help cover the loss of bibliography and teaching aids in the teaching learning process of this subject making use of a specific content.REFERENCES
Vicente PD., Quiñones RI., Durán G., Gil Z., Pavón T., Hechavarría O. et al. Impacto de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la educación y nuevos paradigmas del enfoque educativo. Educ Med Super [revista en la Internet]. 2011 Mar [citado 2015 Sep 30]; 25(1): 95-102. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864- 21412011000100009&lng=es.
Barbarú Grajales, A D. Aspectos de la labor educativa en los que enfatiza el profesor en la modalidad semipresencial En: Memorias Universidad 2011 [Internet]. [consultado 15 de abril de 2014]. Disponible en: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/colecciones/docDetail.action?docID=10366123&p00=As pectos+de+la+labor+educativa+en+los+que+enfatiza+el+profesor+en+la+modali dad+semipresencia