2016, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2016; 17 (3)
Mathematical model of neuronal functional relationship, based on microstructure
Pando-Orellana LA, Cabrera MML, Díaz CS, Valencia MP, Chiquete E
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 3-16
PDF size: 1605.79 Kb.
Introduction. From studies of Ramón y Cajal
to the most modern techniques for the study of
the neuronal microstructure, it is evidenced that
the organization of the neuronal cytoarchitecture
corresponds to a potentially predictable spacetime
Objective: To determine if there is a correlation
between the anatomical arrangements of neurons
in the human primary visual cortex with the vector
distribution inferred in a mathematical model
described previously.
Methods: From 10 postmortem studies of
pediatric patients who died from diseases that
would not distort the normal architecture of
the brain, equal fragments were taken from the
right and left occipital cortex at the level of the
calcarine fissure. The preparations were observed
in an optical planar apochromatic microscope.
Measurements were carried-out on the soma
size, length of the apical dendrite, density of basal
branches, density of dendritic spines in three
segments of 50 µm in the apical basal dendrites,
length of the dendrite spine and head diameter,
and diameter of apical and basal dendrites. These
measures allowed to calculate the actual number
of spines on each segment of 50 µm.
Results: The size of the soma, length of the apical
dendrite and density of basal dendrites increase
between 7 days to 14 years of age (p‹0.01).
The density of spines (sp) in the apical dendrite
presents significant changes in their pattern of
distribution along the apical dendrite, with greater
density in medial (1.14 sp/µm) and terminal (1.13
sp/µm) segments. The spines density in the 3 basal
segments studied presented significant increases
in children aged 7 days in an average of 1.5 sp/
µm, in relation to 15-months old (0.63 sp/µm) and
to 14-years old (0.58 sp/µm). The comparison
between thorns density measured at 150 sp/µm of
the apical dendrite compared with baseline showed
significant reductions of 59% at age 14 years and
31% at age 15 months. However, at an age of 7
days it is found a significant increase of a mean
29%. With this information a mathematical model
is proposed that explains the correlation between
the morphostructure of the primary visual cortex
with its function, as a paradigm of study of the socalled
higher cortical functions.
Conclusion. Since the neural connections in the
cerebral cortex of humans are morphologically
distributed in a convergent/divergent manner, then
cortical integration can be analyzed by the study of
neuronal vector fields.
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