2016, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2016; 27 (4)
Design of an ontology for the management of heterogeneous data at the universities: methodological framework
Rosell LY, Senso RJA, Leiva MAA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 634.51 Kb.
An ontology is a useful tool to deal with the heterogeneity of data and their semantization, with a view to raising the quality of processes of organization, search and retrieval of information in institutional management systems, particularly those implemented in a university web. In view of the wealth of multidisciplinary knowledge treasured by the Universities, a UH Ontology is proposed for the management of data. The paper describes the characteristics and conditions of the heterogeneous data currently managed by various information management systems at the Universities, and proposes a methodological framework for the design of an ontology for the management of heterogeneous data at the institution. The proposal includes the design of the ontology, its classes, annotations, ontological languages and semantic annotation scheme, based on the methodology developed by Noy and McGuinness and the software Protégé as a construction tool.
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