2016, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2016; 27 (4)
Information management system for the follow-up and alert of positive neonatal screening cases
Martín DO, Llanusa RC, Sotillo BL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 516.23 Kb.
Personalized software offers customized functions and accurately meets information needs. It provides a more comfortable and broader work platform, widely used in health services. The purpose of the study was to develop an information management system for the analysis, monitoring and alert, follow-up and early treatment of neonatal screening cases of metabolic disease at the Social Security Fund of Panama. To this end, an application was developed on a framework model based on the open access software LAMP, enriched with usage statistics, regular improvements, safety updates, data encryption and performance guarantee in the server. The system provides alerts and information, as well as access from any location. The software has processed more than 3 000 cases, whose centralized analysis has ensured the quality of the work done and fast access to statistics. The system of alerts and follow-up makes it possible to formulate timely health actions, making a better use of the specialized care protocol. The latter provides access to information from decentralized laboratories throughout the country, improves data collection and allows the safe, fast and timely reporting of results to all levels. By generating alerts, the platform contributes to ensure the efficient conduct of the neonatal screening program, reducing the time patients need to wait to start treatment and rehabilitation, which also turns the software into a learning and development platform.
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