2016, Number 4
Violence in the female gender. Manzanillo 2014-2015
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 715-731
PDF size: 275.92 Kb.
The origin of the violence to the woman is in the mythological stories, arquetiphal stamps that marked the difference and they sealed the subordination until our days. The objective is determining the behavior of the morbility for violence to the woman. A descriptive and observational study with the purpose of determining the female morbility for violent acts in manzanillo from January, 2014 to December, 2015. The universe was constituted by 661 women’s that notified to be victims of the violence. There was a predominance of the aggression prevailed toward women of the 3ra decade of the life, urban origin, with level of educational of finished secondary, housewives and married. The home was the place where more the violent acts took place, the threats were the type of predominant violence, the day Sunday and the month of August they were the most violent. The affective bonds with the aggressor stayed after the aggression and the lesions you don't burden that they required medical treatment they were the prevalentes. The reason of more frequent aggression was the jealousies and the infidelity. The morbilityd for violence to the female gender, in the manzanillo, is a phenomenon in expansion directly related with the lower educational level, unemployment and festival times.REFERENCES
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