2016, Number 4
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MEDICC Review 2016; 18 (4)
Pediatric Gastroenterology in Cuba: Evolution and Challenges
Castañeda-Guillot C
Language: English
References: 53
Page: 33-37
PDF size: 113.60 Kb.
Introduction The professional practice of pediatric gastroenterology
arose in Cuba as an expression of the specialty’s development
internationally and Cuba’s new strategies in public health, and in
response to national needs for health care expertise in digestive diseases
of infants, older children and adolescents.
Objectives Describe the history of pediatric gastroenterology’s
development in Cuba since its inception at the National Gastroenterology
Institute in the early 1970s, its contributions, and efforts to extend it to
pediatric hospitals throughout Cuba.
Evidence acquisition This is a historical review based on document
analysis. Institutional sources from the National Gastroenterology
Institute and Ministry of Public Health were reviewed, as well as international
and national literature on the history of pediatric gastroenterology
and unpublished texts since its emergence in 1972.
Development Although pediatric gastroenterology has not been
formally recognized as a medical specialty in Cuba, there have been
important achievements in establishing a network of specialized health
care services for digestive diseases of children and adolescents.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy and other auxiliary diagnostic modalities
have been introduced for children and play a major role in clinical
trials and research. This article describes the international context that
promoted the specialty’s development in Cuba. Reference is made to
specialized training from its initial stages in 1972, its consolidation as
an emerging discipline in Cuban medicine, and its diffusion in Latin
American and Caribbean countries. Professional development and
specialized training to meet health human resource needs in pediatric
hospitals are described, as well as Cuban participation in the Latin
American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and
Nutrition. National and international milestones, publications, awards
and recognitions that indicate advances despite diffi culties are also
Conclusions Since 1972, there have been major strides in the
development of pediatric gastroenterology practice in Cuba. The
establishment of a national network of specialized services in pediatric
hospitals throughout Cuba has provided quality health care for
digestive diseases of childhood. Pediatric gastroenterology’s development
and achievements in healthcare and research are such that it
deserves official recognition as a medical specialty Cuba.
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