2016, Number 2
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Biotecnol Apl 2016; 33 (2)
Real-time stability of the Ecuadorian pentavalent DTP-HB-Hib vaccine
Expósito N, Alvarez G, Riera V, Navas J, Izquierdo M, Andrade A, Nuñez B, Sanchez D, Brito B, Ñuñez Z, Pereira A, Martínez Y, Prieto Y
Language: English
References: 49
Page: 2201-2210
PDF size: 363.02 Kb.
The Ecuadorian pentavalent vaccine consists of five antigens: diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, whole-cell
Bordetella pertussis, the hepatitis B surface antigen, and the Hemophilus influenzae polyribosyl ribitol phosphate conjugated to the tetanus toxoid (DPT-HB-Hib). Previously, a preformulation study was carried out, with the technology required for the formulation of the vaccine defined. Therefore, in this work, a stability study was conducted over 36 months. Seventy two samples from five batches in 6R multidose vials packed in cardboard boxes were stored at 5 ± 3 °C. They were evaluated at seven time points (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 months) for organoleptic properties, thimerosal and aluminum content, pH, toxicological assays, sterility and antigenic identity and potency, as recommended for combination vaccines. The results of this long-term evaluation allowed us to define a shelf-life of 30 months for the vaccine, supported by the potency and immunogenicity of the five antigens and the toxicity of the vaccine which met the specifications established for this product. This result gives us the coverage for batches manufactured for clinical tests to evaluate safety and efficacy in humans.
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