2016, Number 1
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Rev Acta Médica 2016; 17 (1)
Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics for nutritionists
Tapia RJC
Language: Spanish
References: 11
PDF size: 115.07 Kb.
In its evolution, humans were adapting to the available food sources of the world
region where they lived and therefore their DNA changed to better assimilate these
nutrients. With the globalization of science and modern technology, food availability
has changed rapidly and therefore eating habits change; this affects our genes and
have the enough time to adapt to these changes, involving in the expression of
metabolic routes transformation of these new foods, to which nutrigenomics has some
answers. Applied Nutrigenomics has a potential beneficial effect on public health
systems, by optimizing personalized service to the population. The new dietitians must
be trained to meet the needs of the community knowing, assimilating and increasingly
using these new technologies.
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