2016, Number 3
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Rev Mex Anest 2016; 39 (3)
Treatment protocol for duramater postpuncture headache
Carrillo-Torres O, Dulce-Guerra JC, Vázquez-Apodaca R, Sandoval-Magallanes FF
Language: Spanish
References: 72
Page: 205-212
PDF size: 280.82 Kb.
The post-dural puncture headache is a common complication back to inadvertently puncture both warned as dura arriving at percentages greater than 60% in some patients; besides being in the US the third cause of litigation complications in obstetric patients. A review of all published until May 2015 in search of factors that could alter the incidence of headache postpuncture, also showing the efficacy of various prophylactic, conservative and interventional treatment was performed. The goal of having a protocol in handling the post-dural puncture headache is homogenized with scientific evidence making therapeutic measures to establish a dynamic algorithm that serve as a guide not only to experts in the field (anesthesiologists, neurologists), but the entire staff physician for a prompt diagnosis and treatment.
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