2016, Number 4
The professor of History: significant contribution to the medicine professional
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 489-496
PDF size: 229.59 Kb.
Introduction: the professional, who works in Cuban Medical Universities, and teaching the subject of history of Cuba, faces vital challenges of great importance related to the development of critical thinking for these professionals in medical sciences, requiring the development and consolidation of skills and dispositions of a professional as a critical thinker.Objective: to establish the role of the professor of Cuban History on the development of the critical thinking in medical studies, since the perspective of the skills of a critical thinker.
Method: assuming the general method of scientific research (dialectical-materialistic) and the epistemological approach (socio-cultural), with the use of theoretical methods, a systematization of the main theoretical and methodological basis, to determine the main skills and dispositions that should characterize the teaching activity, in order to contribute to the development of the critical thinking of the medical students.
Results: a system of skills to develop the critical thinking was verified, which should characterize the professors didactically involved into the teaching-learning process of the subject History of Cuba, addressed to the development of the critical thinking in the students.
Conclusions: the role of professors into the teaching-learning process of the subject of History of Cuba, should be characterized by a system of skills contributing to the development of the critical thinking in medical students, allowing the interpretation of the research methods with intellectual astuteness, dedicated to the development of knowledge with a strong scientific-intellectual base, and the goals of a responsible and critical information.
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